Privacy & Data Security

At the Alien Technologies Network we strive to find the leanest, most pragmatic privacy solution for you, to conform to EUDAP (European Data Protection) laws.

Our certified privacy officers can help you minimize the effort to implement a safe and secure data protection standard and create the necessary legal documentation.

While we believe, that the EUDAP is a valuable piece of legislation and privacy of all our personal data is a supreme cultural value in Europe, the legislation as of today is still in flux and it requires a pragmatic approach to take all steps necessary, but remain flexible to adapt ones individal implementation to potentially changing facts, caused by judiciary decisions and legislation updates.

We will support you in finding the optimized, lean solution to be safe, without overdoing it and spending too much time, effort, and money on something that is not yet fully settled.



SMYLEAN is a product of the 360vital GMBH

In my role as CTO I had the pleasure to head the development of the SMYLEAN App, which, among other things, features the worlds first fully parametric individualized digital nutrition coach.

Re-thinking the approach to nutrition and how recipes are typically represented (plain text with description of “standard” recipe for a number of portions), we invented a parametric system that in effect individualizes nutrition and recipes to match a persons specific nutritional needs.


GoTo 360Vital GmbH



Was haben Autos, Computer, Fernseher, Software, Telefone und Häuser gemeinsam? Alle sind Systeme wachsender Komplexität, mit immer mehr Funktionen und Anforderungen und dem Ziel, den Komfort und Nutzwert für die „User“ (Anwender, Fahrer, Bewohner,…)  zu maximieren.

In der Entwicklung von massenproduzierten Produkten haben wir zur Optimierung dieser komplexen Systeme Methoden entwickelt, die heute als Industrie-Standard ausgezeichnet funktionieren.

(Fast) jedes neue Haus ist ein mehr oder weniger komplexes Unikat, mit vielfältigsten, oft widersprüchlichen Anforderungen und Optimierungsaufgaben, die bisher recht konventionell und nach alter Bau-Tradition oft mehr schlecht als recht gelöst werden – ohne auf Methoden zur Optimierung komplexer Systeme zurückzugreifen.

Mehr zum Thema auf:

Democracytools-Header is a non-profit organization, aspiring to design and provide a safe, secure, relyable, and easy to use tool, for the democratic self-organization of groups.



The Online-Nations Network, a long time ago, was a historic first attempt (coded in html 2.0) to establish a free plattform for online nations. It was discontinued, due to antiquated technology and lack of public interest.

Visit historic, discontinued html 2.0 site for